Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How To Be An Even Better Manager: A Complete A-Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills

Fully revised new edition of the best-selling management guide
This book is for those who want to develop their managerial skills and competences. It covers all the key skills that managers use, and refers to the main aspects of managing people, activities and themselves with which they need to be familiar.
You can dip into this book at any point – each chapter is selfcontained. But it would be useful to read Chapter 1 first. This defines the overall concept of management and the areas in which managers need to be competent, thus providing a framework for the succeeding chapters. These cover the following areas:
[list][*]Managing people: appraising, coaching, communicating, conflict management, delegating, developing people, handling difficult people and negative behaviour, getting job engagement, leadership, managing under-performers, managing your boss, motivating people, objective setting, performance management, power and politics, providing feedback, selection interviewing
and team management.
[*]Managing activities and processes: change management, controlling, co-ordinating, crisis management, how things go wrong xv and how to put them right, meetings, organizing, planning, prioritizing, project management and strategic management.
[*]Managing and developing yourself (enhancing personal skills): achieving results, assertiveness, clear thinking, communicating, being creative, being decisive, developing emotional intelligence, effective speaking, getting on, how to be interviewed, influencing, managing stress, negotiating, problem-solving and decision-making, report writing, self-development, and time management.
In 19 of the chapters, actions are summarized in a useful ‘Ten things to do’ format. These are listed in the index under the entry ‘ten ways of’



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