Saturday, June 30, 2007

Harvard Business School Publishing - Blue Ocean Strategy [BESTSELLER]

International Beseller - Over 1 million copies sold in first years
Publish in a record breaking 32 languages
More awares
BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
Harvard Business School Press, 2005


Interfacing Sensors to the IBM-PC

Password: No password


Industrial Lasers & Their Applications

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High-Speed Digital Design

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Fundamentals of Neural Networks

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Computer Vision

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Ultra-Wideband Communications

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Pocket Guide to the National Electrical Code 2005 (Eighth Edition)

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CCNA 3.1 All Answers 100%








Essential English Speaking Course


Wordware Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX


The Internet Gigabook for Dummies


Building Flash Websites for Dummies


CSS Web Design for Dummies


Modern High Security Locks - How to Open Them


Internet Professional JahresArchiv 2006



Linux Praxishandbuch


Java Frameworks and Components (2003)

Format: .CHM, Pages: 490, Size: 2 MB

This book is a practical tool for Java^TM programmers. It provides the necessary

information for finding, evaluating and selecting an application framework for

programming needs. It explains in plain language the benefits of frameworks and

component technologies, specifically in relation to web application development. The

book is unique: it does not focus on any specific technology, and uses examples from

several different frameworks to explain the underlying principles. As the market for

web applications begins its second wave, this volume provides the critical

information for developers to make the transition into componentized framework-based

development, keeping them ahead in an increasingly competitive market.


Firefox and Thunderbird Garage (2005)

Format: .CHM, Pages: 384, Size: 19.8 MB

Enter your Firefox and Thunderbird Garage...where you master the incredible free

software that's helping millions of people use the Web and email faster, more

efficiently, and more safely. Your guides know Firefox and Thunderbird better than

anyone. They're the Mozilla insiders who helped create them � sparking a new

Internet revolution, in which real people take back the Internet from monopolists,

spammers, and spyware artists!

The basics are just the beginning: this book shows how to customize and extend

Firefox and Thunderbird so they'll work exactly the way you want, and do more than

you ever thought possible. We're talking better productivity, faster searches,

easier downloads, and more fun.

� Discover why Firefox and Thunderbird blow away Internet Explorer and Outlook

� Make Firefox even more secure: Manage passwords, clean caches and history, and

� Trash unwanted popups, ads, and other Web annoyances
� Make the most of Firefox's built-in search tools and shortcuts
� Create "live bookmarks" that update automatically
� Harness tabbed browsing to get more done faster
� Download files more quickly and reliably
� Install today's hottest Firefox and Thunderbird plug-ins
� Set up email, RSS, and newsgroup accounts fast � and manage them efficiently
� Organize the messages you want, and dump the messages you don't want
� Get under the hood! Hack Firefox and Thunderbird configuration files
� Includes quick-references to keyboard/mouse shortcuts, security, and more

With its easy, quick-learning modules, insider tips, rants, and blog entries,

Firefox and Thunderbird Garage is far more than a software manual: it's your guide

to the new Internet revolution!


The 3-Hour Diet

Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks by Eating Every 3 Hours!

The biggest mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is skipping meals.

When you skip meals throughout the day, your blood sugar plummets, which causes your

appetite to spike. When your hunger is out of control, you overeat.

When you eat the right foods every three hours, you will not feel hungry, and you

will reset your body's metabolism and achieve amazing results. There's no counting

calories, no starvation, and no deprivation. Bottom line: timing will sculpt your

body slim. With Jorge Cruise's trademark easy-to-follow instructions, accessibility,

and client success stories, the 3-Hour Diet� is a proven success. Weight loss has

never been easier!

It's time to lose weight and bring back the joy of eating.


Access Database Design and Programming

When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much

on the details of how to use the interface that we forget about the more general

concepts that allow us to understand and put the software to effective use. This is

particularly true of a powerful database product like Microsoft Access. Novice, and

sometimes even experienced, programmers are so concerned with how something is done

in Access that they often lose sight of the general principles that underlie their

database applications.
Access Database Design & Programming, 2nd Edition, an update to the bestselling

first edition, features:

* A discussion of Access' new VBA Integrated Development Environment, which, for the

first time, is the one used by Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
* An expansion of the discussion of the VBA language itself, in response to reader

* A discussion of Microsoft's latest data access technology, called Active Data

Objects (or ADO), along with a discussion of Open Database Connectivity(ODBC), which

is intimately connected with ADO

Unlike other Access books that take the long, detailed approach to every topic of

concern to Access programmers, this book focuses instead on the core concepts,

enabling programmers to develop solid, effective database applications. As a result,

important topics such as designing forms and reports, database security, database

replication, and programming for multiuser applications are simply not discussed.

This book is a kind of "second course" in Access that provides a relatively

experienced Access user who is new to programming with the frequently overlooked

techniques necessary to successfully develop in the Microsoft Access environment.

Anyone interested in learning Access in-depth, rather than just scraping the

surface, will enjoy and immensely benefit from reading this book.

Although this book is really an introduction directed to intermediate Microsoft

Access users who are novice programmers, it should appeal to all levels of Access

developers. For novice programmers, it focuses on a key body of knowledge that is

typically neglected, but is nevertheless essential for developing effective database

applications. For intermediate and advanced developers, its treatment of database

design and queries provides a handy treatment that otherwise has to be gleaned from

relatively uninteresting textbooks, while its programming chapters constitute a

handy reference to some basic operations that can be performed using DAO or the

Access object model.


HOW TO Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae


The curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a CV, Vita, or Vitae, is a detailed

biographical description of one�s educational and work background. It differs from a

résumé, a one-page description of one�s work experience and educational background

not only in length but also in detail. The origin of the term curriculum vitae is

Latin and means �the course of one�s life or career.� As such, a CV includes

detailed information regarding one�s academic coursework, professional experience,

publications ,and so on.

The process of writing a curriculum vitae can be an exhilarating experience because

it generates a heightened degree of pride in your accomplishments as well as an

increased awareness of your skills. Begin the process with enthusiasm and a desire

to share information about yourself. If you approach this process with anxiety or

uncertainty about its efficacy, writing a curriculum vitae will not be a pleasurable


How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae provides an in-depth explanation of the

components of the curriculum vitae as well as step-by-step instructions for

condensing your career history into a concise biographical sketch that underscores

your assets. You'll learn to assess your educational and noneducational skills,

inventory your accomplishments, and present the information in a format that follows

the latest document guidelines. In addition, this newly revised edition includes:

* Tips on producing a scannable CV
* A new chapter on international CVs
* Sample CVs for a wide range of academic majors and professions
* Sample correspondence that gives you content and format guidance


Resumes and Personal statements for Health Professionals

Pages: 210

Step-by-step, fool-proof instructions to guide any health professions student,

graduate, or practitioner through what can be an agonizing process of writing these

important documents. Learn how to identify and describe your accomplishments to

emphasize your strengths. Includes examples of actual resumess and personal

statements. Also details how to use cover and thank-you letters to establish

relationships with interviewers.



FORMAT : CHM, Pages:386, 1.9 Mb

Whether you're running Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, this book

will help you push the limits of traditional SQL to squeeze data effectively from

your database. The book offers 100 hacks � unique tips and tools � that bring you

the knowledge of experts who apply what they know in the real world to help you take

full advantage of the expressive power of SQL. You'll find practical techniques to

address complex data manipulation problems. Learn how to: Wrangle data in the most

efficient way possible Aggregate and organize your data for meaningful and accurate

reporting Make the most of subqueries, joins, and unions Stay on top of the

performance of your queries and the server that runs them Avoid common SQL security

pitfalls, including the dreaded SQL injection attack

Let SQL Hacks serve as your toolbox for digging up and manipulating data. If you

love to tinker and optimize, SQL is the perfect technology and SQL Hacks is the

must-have book for you.


Java and XML, 3rd Edition [ILLUSTRATED]


Java and XML, 3rd Edition, shows you how to cut through all the hype about XML and

put it to work. It teaches you how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to

build real-world applications. The result is a new approach to managing information

that touches everything from configuration files to web sites.

After two chapters on XML basics, including XPath, XSL, DTDs, and XML Schema, the

rest of the book focuses on using XML from your Java applications. This third

edition of Java and XML covers all major Java XML processing libraries, including

full coverage of the SAX, DOM, StAX, JDOM, and dom4j APIs as well as the latest

version of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) and Java Architecture for XML

Binding (JAXB). The chapters on web technology have been entirely rewritten to focus

on the today's most relevant topics: syndicating content with RSS and creating Web

2.0 applications. You'll learn how to create, read, and modify RSS feeds for

syndicated content and use XML to power the next generation of websites with Ajax

and Adobe Flash.

Topics include: The basics of XML, including DTDs, namespaces, XML Schema, XPath,

and Transformations The SAX API, including all handlers, filters, and writers The

DOM API, including DOM Level 2, Level 3, and the DOM HTML module The JDOM API,

including the core and a look at XPath support The StAX API, including StAX

factories, producing documents and XMLPull Data Binding with JAXB, using the new

JAXB 2.0 annotations Web syndication and podcasting with RSS XML on the Presentation

Layer, paying attention to Ajax and Flash applications


PowerPoint 2007, The Missing Manual


Like every other application in Microsoft Office suite, PowerPoint is loaded with

features. So many, in fact, that even veterans don't know where to find them all.

Microsoft solved this problem in PowerPoint 2007 by redesigning the user interface

with a tabbed toolbar that makes features easy to locate and use. PowerPoint 2007

also boasts improved graphics, additional templates, the ability to save custom

layouts, and improved collaboration through SharePoint. One thing Microsoft hasn't

improved is its poor documentation. To learn the ins and outs of all the features in

PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft merely offers online help. If you're familiar with

previous versions of the program, you may be lost the first time you fire up the new

PowerPoint; or you would be if it This new book, written specifically for this

version of the software,
not only offers the basics of how to create, save, set up, run, and print a basic

bullets-and-background slideshow, but takes you into the world of multimedia,

animation, and interactivity. You'll learn how to add pictures, sound, video,

animated effects, and controls (buttons and links) to their slides, along with ways

to pull text, spreadsheets, and animations created in other programs. You can also

create your own reusable design templates and learn to automate repetitive tasks

with macros. Learn how to take advantage of advanced functions (such as adding

custom background images) that existed in previous PowerPoint versions, but were so

cleverly hidden that few people ever found them.


Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition

Newly updated for Excel 2002, Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition provides

Excel power-users, as well as programmers who are unfamiliar with the Excel object

model, with a solid introduction to writing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

macros and programs for Excel. In particular, the book focuses on
The Visual Basic Editor and the Excel VBA programming environment. Excel features a

complete, state-of-the-art integrated development environment for writing, running,

testing, and debugging VBA macros.

The VBA programming language, the same programming language used by the other

applications in Microsoft Office XP and 2000, as well as by the retail editions of

Visual Basic 6.0. The Excel object model, including new objects and new members of

existing objects in Excel 2002. Excel exposes nearly all of its functionality

through its object model, which is the means by which Excel can be controlled

programmatically using VBA. While the Excel object model, with 192 objects, is the

second largest among the Office applications, you need to be familiar with only a

handful of objects to write effective macros. Writing Excel Macros focuses on these

essential objects, but includes a discussion of many more objects as well.

Writing Excel Macros with VBA, 2nd Edition is written in a terse, no-nonsense manner

that is characteristic of Steven Roman's straightforward, practical approach.

Instead of a slow-paced tutorial with a lot of handholding, Roman offers the

essential information about Excel VBA that you must master to write macros

effectively. This tutorial is reinforced by interesting and useful examples that

solve common problems you're sure to have encountered. Writing Excel Macros with

VBA, 2nd Edition is the book you need to delve into the basics of Excel VBA

programming, enabling you to increase your power and productivity.


Subspace Methods for System Identification (2005)

Pages: 392, Size: 13.2 MB

System identification provides methods for the sensible approximation of real

systems using a model set based on experimental input and output data. Tohru

Katayama sets out an in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system

identification in discrete - time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced

and novel results. The text is structured into three parts. First, the mathematical

preliminaries are dealt with: numerical linear algebra; system theory; stochastic

processes; and Kalman filtering. The second part explains realization theory,

particularly that based on the decomposition of Hankel matrices, as it is applied to

subspace identification methods. Two stochastic realization results are included,

one based on spectral factorization and Riccati equations, the other on canonical

correlation analysis (CCA) for stationary processes. Part III uses the development

of stochastic realization results, in the presence of exogenous inputs, to

demonstrate the closed-loop application of subspace identification methods CCA and

ORT (based on orthogonal decomposition). The addition of tutorial problems with

solutions and Matlab programs which demonstrate various aspects of the methods

propounded to introductory and research material makes Subspace Methods for System

Identification not only an excellent reference for researchers but also a very

useful text for tutors and graduate students involved with courses in control and

signal processing. The book can be used for self-study and will be of much interest

to the applied scientist or engineer wishing to use advanced methods in modeling and

identification of complex systems.


Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL (2004)

Pages: 235, Size: 3.8 MB

Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL covers the most

important building block of an xDSL (ADSL, VDSL, ...) system: the line driver.

Traditional Class AB line drivers consume more than 70% of the total power budget of

state-of-the-art ADSL modems. This book describes the main difficulties in designing

line drivers for xDSL. The most important specifications are elaborated staring from

the main properties of the channel and the signal properties. The traditional (class

AB), state-of-the-art (class G) and future technologies (class K) are discussed. The

main part of Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL describes

the design of a novel architecture: the Self-Oscillating Power Amplifier or SOPA.

This architecture uses a non-linear, asynchronous modulation scheme that enables

highly efficient, highly linear transmission. The concept has been proven by two

implementations in a digital CMOS technology: a G-Lite compliant line driver with

61% efficiency and a full ADSL-VDSL downstream compliant power amplifier with 47%

power efficiency. The proposed architecture is fully analysed and complete design

plans including CMOS scaling laws and software tools to facilitate the design of

these types of amplifiers are extensively described. Since the analysis of a SOPA

amplifier involves advanced non-linear system design techniques, Design and Analysis

of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL presents extensively advanced non-linear

analysis techniques which not only aid the design of high efficiency line drivers

but are also applicable in other domains of analog system design. Therefore Design

and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL can be read not only as an

exhaustive tutorial on the basic properties and limitations of an xDSL line driver,

but also as a tutorial on advanced non-linear system design and a design manual of a

highly efficient switching power amplifier.


The Information Security Dictionary (2004)

Pages: 416, Size: 4.6 MB

The Information Security Dictionary provides complete and easy to read explanations

of common security and infrastructure protection terms. Special attention is given

to terms that most often prevent educated readers from understanding journal

articles or books in cryptography, computer security, information systems,

role-based access management and applied fields that build on those disciplines.

Also included in the dictionary are terms that refer to computing forensics, malware

attacks, privacy issues, system design, security auditing and vulnerability testing.


Adobe Seminars: Web Page Design

Adobe Seminars: Web Page Design mimics the seminar world by combining a lot of

sessions on related topics; you can jump around from session to session or

concentrate solely on those you need most. All of the sessions focus on designing

Web pages, from production and design to artistic implementation and site

management. First, the book teaches you how to define the purpose of your site,

figure out the production roles among various people in your organization, and

determine your marketing perspective. Next, you learn how to use Adobe Photoshop and

Illustrator to create graphics, text, and special effects; design a reasonable site

structure; create navigational elements and image maps; prepare graphics for the

Web; and work with color. You find out how to use Adobe PageMill, the WYSIWYG HTML

editor, and Adobe SiteMill, the site manager, to fine-tune your HTML, create HTML

tables and frames, and more. You also discover how to create animations from such

applications as GifBuilder and Macromedia Director; add sound and video effects

using SoundEdit Pro and Premiere; create PDF files with Adobe Acrobat; and grasp

trickier aspects such as Web hosting, CGI scripting, and database creation. This

full-color guide features plenty of step-by-step instruction, clear illustrations,

and a CD-ROM with project files and images and clip art. People with a wide range of

skill levels can benefit from this book's tips, including intermediate and

semi-advanced Web developers, managers, artists, and programmers.


Handbook of lasers


Introduction to forensic science


The C ++ Programming Language


Teach Yourself: Delphi 7 Studio


McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering

The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering provides a compendium of more than
18,000 terms that are central to the various branches of engineering and related fields of science. The coverage in this Second Edition is focused on building construction, chemical engineering, civil engineering, control systems, design engineering, electricity and electronics, engineering acoustics, industrial engineering, mechanics and mechanical engineering, systems engineering, and thermodynamics. Many new entries have been added since the previous edition with others revised as necessary. Many of the terms used in engineering are often found in specialized dictionaries and glossaries; this Dictionary, however,aims to provide the user with the convenience of a single, comprehensive reference.


English Grammar In Use


Springer - The Making of a Neuromorphic Visual System (2004)

Pages: 140,Size: 5.2 MB

This book presents an approach to the construction of a visual system, which is behaviorally, computationally and neurally motivated. The goal is to characterize the process of visual categorization and to find a suitable representation format that can successfully deal with the structural variability existent within visual categories. The book reviews past and existent theories of visual object and shape recognition in the fields of computer vision, neuroscience and psychology. The entire range of computations is discussed, as are region-based approaches and are modeled with wave-propagating networks. A completely novel shape recognition architecture is proposed that can recognize simple shapes under various degraded conditions. It is discussed how such networks can be used for constructing basic-level object representations. It is envisioned how those networks can be implemented using the method of neuromorphic engineering.


Springer - Speech and Human-Machine Dialog

Pages: 104, Size: 2.3 MB

Speech and Human-Machine Dialog focuses on the dialog management component of a spoken language dialog system. Spoken language dialog systems provide a natural interface between humans and computers. These systems are of special interest for interactive applications, and they integrate several technologies including speech recognition, natural language understanding, dialog management and speech synthesis.

Due to the conjunction of several factors throughout the past few years, humans are significantly changing their behavior vis-2-vis machines. In particular, the use of speech technologies will become normal in the professional domain, and in everyday life. The performance of speech recognition components has also significantly improved. This book includes various examples that illustrate the different functionalities of the dialog model in a representative application for train travel information retrieval (train time tables, prices and ticket reservation).


Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook (2nd Edition)

Pages: 750

If you can think of the problem, Internetworking Troubleshooting Handbook probably has the solution�at least when it comes to networking problems. This 714-page tome is absolutely phenomenal in scope. Though you may not find in-depth scholarly discussions of networking woes, you will find pragmatic tips that can help you through an immediate crisis. And the configuration screens, tables, and diagrams are both essential and useful additions to the text.
Divided into six sections, the first outlines general problem-solving techniques as well as available troubleshooting tools from Cisco and third-party vendors. Next, the authors contend with hardware, booting, and media (which essentially means answers as to what could be preventing the network routers or switches from automatically firing up). In addition, potential Ethernet, FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), and Token Ring malfunctions are more than sufficiently addressed.
The seven chapters of section 3 deal exclusively with routing protocols from TCP/IP to AppleTalk to the more obscure Banyan VINES. As for WAN connectivity, more than 100 pages are dedicated to serial line, dial-in, ISDN, frame relay, and X.25 connections. And if you�re experiencing difficulty in your ATM or LAN switching environment, with your security servers, or with CiscoWorks, this team of authors has provided useful guidance for those issues as well. The five appendices��Creating Core Dumps,� �Memory Maps,� �Technical Support Information,� �References and Recommended Reading,� and �Troubleshooting Worksheets��are also invaluable. �Sarah L. Roberts-Witt


Java 2 The Complete Reference

1108 pages

Table of Contents
Java 2 - The Complete Reference - 4
Preface - 7
Part l The Java Language
Chapter 1 - The Genesis of Java - 9
Chapter 2 - An Overview of Java - 20
Chapter 3 - Data Types, Variables, and Arrays - 36
Chapter 4 - Operators - 57
Chapter 5 - Control Statements - 75
Chapter 6 - Introducing Classes - 94
Chapter 7 - A Closer Look at Methods and Classes - 111
Chapter 8 - Inheritance - 134
Chapter 9 - Packages and Interfaces - 156
hapter 10 - Exception Handling - 174
Chapter 11 - Multithreaded Programming - 188
Chapter 12 - I/O, Applets, and Other Topics - 214

Part ll The Java Library

Chapter 13 - String Handling - 235
Chapter 14 - Exploring java.lang - 255
Chapter 15 - java.util Part 1: The Collections Framework - 297
Chapter 16 - java.util Part 2: More Utility Classes - 343
Chapter 17 - Input/Output: Exploring - 362
Chapter 18 - Networking - 397
Chapter 19 - The Applet Class - 426
Chapter 20 - Event Handling - 443
Chapter 21 - Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text - 466
Chapter 22 - Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus - 499
Chapter 23 - Images - 543
Chapter 24 - Additional Packages - 568

Part lll Software Development Using Java

Chapter 25 - Java Beans - 582
Chapter 26 - A Tour of Swing - 601
Chapter 27 - Servlets - 616
Chapter 28 - Migrating from C++ to Java - 641

Part lV Applying Java

Chapter 29 - The DynamicBillboard Applet - 659
Chapter 30 - ImageMenu: An Image-Based Web Menu - 683
Chapter 31 - The Lavatron Applet: A Sports Arena Display - 689
Chapter 32 - Scrabblet: A Multiplayer Word Game - 696
Appendix A - Using Java�s Documentation Comments - 739
Black Art of Java Game Programming
900 pages

Step-by-step instructions, covering all the hottest techniques for creating dynamic games and interactive graphical environments using Java 1.1.

* Covers all the essentials of Java for graphics and game development
* Shows how to write interactive video games for the Web, playable by millions around the world
* Presents unique networking techniques for multi-user environments
* CD-ROM contains complete Java source and byte codes to the class libraries and games developed, plus games, third-party applets, and development tools


Windows Server 2003 Clustering & Load Balancing

400 pages

Learn to implement clustering and load balancing solutions with Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003, and deliver nearly 100 percent uptime. With a focus on real world production-based problems, the author delivers detailed high availability solutions that will give you the tools to roll out and troubleshoot these technologies.

Your definitive high availability implementation guide

Plan, design, and implement highly available Windows solutions using the expert advice inside this detailed guide. Written by a network infrastructure design specialist, this book covers the planning, development, cost analysis, management, installation, configuration, and roll out of several clustering and load balancing technologies. Invaluable troubleshooting tips derived from real-world implementations are also featured, making this an essential resource for network professionals who need to keep their systems up and running 24x7.

* Design a highly available network infrastructure to meet "Five Nines" uptime
* Configure Windows 2000 clustering and load-balancing services
* Implement a rolling upgrade to Windows Server 2003
* Develop a Windows Server 2003 cluster and load-balanced solution from scratch
* Create robust server farms with Application Center 2000
* Design a two-node cluster with SQL Server 2000
* Design highly available solutions with Windows Services such as WINS and DHCP
* Monitor and baseline clusters and plan for disaster recovery
* Learn advanced troubleshooting and project management techniques


Windows XP Unwired

284 pages, Format: CHM

From the growing number of Wi-Fi hotspots to the escalating sales of laptops and other portable wireless-enabled devices, it's clear that wireless technology is here and poised to play an increasingly important role in all our lives. Going wireless is a little like taking the training wheels off your first bike--once you taste the freedom, you don't want to go back to what you had before. Moreover, dramatic improvements in wireless technology in the last few years coupled with the growing affordability of wireless equipment make going wireless all the more attractive. And if you're a Windows XP user, it's even better. Windows XP contains many built-in supports for wireless computing, making it an ideal platform for going mobile. In Windows XP Unwired, you'll learn the basics of wireless computing, from the reasons why you'd want to go wireless in the first place, to setting up your wireless network or accessing wireless services on the road. The book provides a complete introduction to all the wireless technologies supported by Windows XP, including Wi-Fi (802.11b, a, and g), infrared, Bluetooth, CDMA2000, and GPRS. You'll learn how to set up your first wireless network using popular products from Linksys and D-Link. You'll also get a good understanding of the limitations and liabilities of each wireless technology. Other topics covered in the book include:
* Connecting to wireless hotspots
* Using Microsoft's Smart Display to go wireless without a laptop
* Putting GPS technology to use
* Wireless Security

Windows XP Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for technically savvy Windows XP users. Whether you're considering wireless as a supplement or alternative to cable and DSL, or using wireless to network computers in your home or office, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Windows XP, and how to take advantage of them.


Mcft Windows Shell Script Programming, for the Absolute Beginner

400 pages, Format: CHM

Description: If you are new to programming with Windows Shell Script and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the for the absolute beginner? series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. You will acquire the skills that you need for more practical Shell Script programming applications, and you will learn how these skills can be put to use in real-world scenarios. Best of all, by the time you finish this book you will be able to apply the basic principles you?ve learned to the next programming language you tackle. With the instructions in this book, you?ll learn to: * Store and retrieve information in variables * Apply conditional logic and create conditional logic tests * Improve script organization with procedures * Debug your scripts and handle errors * Create loops to process collections of data


UML for Java Programmers (2003)

Pages: 288, Size: 1.1 MB

You don't use UML in a vacuum: you use it to build software with a specific programming language. If that language is Java, you need UML for Java Programmers. In this book, one of the world's leading object design experts becomes your personal coach on UML 1&2 techniques and best practices for the Java environment.

Robert C. Martin illuminates every UML 1&2 feature and concept directly relevant to writing better Java software--and ignores features irrelevant to Java developers. He explains what problems UML can and can't solve, how Java and UML map to each other, and exactly how and when to apply those mappings.

Pragmatic coverage of UML as a working tool for Java developers � Shows Java code alongside corresponding UML diagrams � Covers every UML diagram relevant to Java programmers, including class, object, sequence, collaboration, and state diagrams � Introduces dX, a lightweight, powerfully productive RUP & XP-derived process for successful software modeling � Includes a detailed, start-to-finish case study: remote service client, server, sockets, and tests





























resume writers workbook


CSS Sites With Dreamwearver MX 2004


Principles of programming


Foundations of calculus


Calculus - Volume 1


Calculus - Volume 2


HTML and web design secrets


A foundation for computer science


The extreme searcher's internet handbook


O'Reilly - Backup & Recovery (2006)

Format: *.CHM, Pages: 760, Size: 3 MB

Packed with practical, freely-available backup and recovery solutions for Unix, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X systems -- as well as various databases -- this new guide is a complete overhaul of Unix Backup & Recovery by the same author, now revised and expanded with over 75% new material.

Backup & Recovery starts with a complete overview of backup philosophy and design, including the basic backup utilities of tar, dump, cpio, ntbackup, ditto, and rsync. It then explains several open source backup products that automate backups using those utilities, including AMANDA, Bacula, BackupPC, rdiff-backup, and rsnapshot. Backup & Recovery then explains how to perform bare metal recovery of AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, VMWare, & Windows systems using freely-available utilities. The book also provides overviews of the current state of the commercial backup software and hardware market, including overviews of CDP, Data De-duplication, D2D2T, and VTL technology. Finally, it covers how to automate the backups of DB2, Exchange, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL-Server, and Sybase databases - without purchasing a commercial backup product to do so.

For environments of all sizes and budgets, this unique book shows you how to ensure data protection without resorting to expensive commercial solutions. You will soon learn to:
� Automate the backup of popular databases without a commercial utility
� Perform bare metal recovery of any popular open systems platform, including your PC or laptop
� Utilize valuable but often unknown open source backup products
� Understand the state of commercial backup software, including explanations of CDP and data de-duplication software
� Access the current state of backup hardware, including Virtual Tape Libraries (VTLs)


O'Reilly - Firefox Hacks (2005)

Format: *.CHM
Pages: 398
Size: 2.72 MB

Firefox Hacks is ideal for power users who want to maximize the effectiveness of Firefox, the next-generation web browser that is quickly gaining in popularity. This highly-focused book offers all the valuable tips and tools you need to enjoy a superior and safer browsing experience. Learn how to customize its deployment, appearance, features, and functionality.


O'Reilly - Wireless Hacks

Format: *.CHM
Pages: 304
Size: 4.01 MB

Written for the intermediate to advanced wireless user, Wireless Hacks is full of direct, practical, ingenious solutions to real-world networking problems. Whether your wireless network needs to extend to the edge of your office or to the other end of town, this collection of non-obvious, "from the field" techniques will show you how to get the job done.


JavaScript Pocket Reference

Format: *.CHM,Pages: 136,Size: 95 KB

The JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition provides a complete overview of the core JavaScript language and client-side scripting environment, as well as quick-reference material on core and client-side objects, methods, and properties. The new edition has been revised to cover JavaScript 1.5, and is particularly useful for developers working with the latest standards-compliant web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 7, and Mozilla.


Professional Pen Testing for Web Applications,

(Programmer to Programmer)
Pages: 522,Format: CHM

There is no such thing as "perfect security" when it comes to keeping all systems intact and functioning properly. Good penetration (pen) testing creates a balance that allows a system to be secure while simultaneously being fully functional. With this book, you'll learn how to become an effective penetrator (i.e., a white hat or ethical hacker) in order to circumvent the security features of a Web application so that those features can be accurately evaluated and adequate security precautions can be put in place.

After a review of the basics of web applications, you'll be introduced to web application hacking concepts and techniques such as vulnerability analysis, attack simulation, results analysis, manuals, source code, and circuit diagrams. These web application hacking concepts and techniques will prove useful information for ultimately securing the resources that need your protection.

What you will learn from this book

Surveillance techniques that an attacker uses when targeting a system for a strike
Various types of issues that exist within the modern day web application space
How to audit web services in order to assess areas of risk and exposure
How to analyze your results and translate them into documentation that is useful for remediation
Techniques for pen-testing trials to practice before a live project


Practical mod_perl (2003)

Format: *.CHM, Pages: 924, Size: 2.27 MB

Mod_perl embeds the popular programming language Perl in the Apache web server, giving rise to a fast and powerful web programming environment. Written for Perl web developers and web administrators, Practical mod_perl is an extensive guide to the nuts and bolts of the powerful and popular combination of Apache and mod_perl. From writing and debugging scripts to keeping your server running without failures, the techniques in this book will help you squeeze every ounce of power out of your server. True to its title, this is the practical guide to mod_perl.


Ajax on Rails

2.88 MB, 350 pages

Learn to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the two most important approaches to web development today: Ajax and the phenomenally efficient Ruby on Rails platform. This book teaches intermediate to advanced web developers how to use both Ajax and Rails to quickly build high-performance, scalable applications without being overwhelmed with thousands of lines of JavaScript code. More than just recipes, you also get a thorough, low-level understanding of what's happening under the hood.

* Ajax on Rails includes three fully worked out Rails/Ajax applications, and quick reference sections for Prototype and
* Testing lessons show you how to eliminate cross-browser JavaScript errors and DOM debugging nightmares using a combination of Firebug, and Venkman.
* Advanced material explains the most current design practices for Ajax usability. You'll learn to avoid user experience mistakes with proven design patterns.

Beyond the how-to, Ajax on Rails helps you consider when Ajax is (and isn't) appropriate, and the trade-offs associated with it. For those new to Rails, this book provides a quick introduction, the big picture, a walk through the installation process, and some tips on getting started. If you've already started working with Rails and seek to deepen your skill set, you'll find dozens of examples drawn from real-world projects, exhaustive reference for every relevant feature, and expert advice on how to "Ajaxify" your applications.


Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 20th Edition

1392 pages, format:pdb

This internationally famous and best-selling textbook of general (or internal) medicine is renowned for providing a rational and easily understood basis for the practice of clinical medicine. Since it was first published this comprehensive text has met the requirements of several generations of medical students preparing for their examinations, while serving as a valuable reference for doctors in training. Rather than page after page of dense text, this reference makes finding information a snap by featuring lavish, colorful visual information. Extensive tables, crib boxes, MRI images, and x-ray films accompany each chapters succinct discussions. The books clear organization and color-coded chapters make it simple to find just the information you need, when you need it.


Creating your MySQL Database, Practical Design Tips and Techniques

2.88 MB

This book is an innovative and essential short guide for everyone on how to structure your data and set-up your MySQL database tables efficiently and easily. If you're creating a dynamic web application using open-source tools, then you're probably going to be setting up a MySQL database. Getting the design of this database right for your application and its data is vital, but it's often an intimidating and little-known process for non-developers and developers alike. Written by the creator of the popular phpMyAdmin tool, this book is a short but complete guide on how to design good data structures for MySQL. For most of us, setting up the database for an application is often an afterthought. While you don't need to be a professional database designer to create a working application, knowing a few insider tips and techniques can make both the process easier and the end result much more effective. This book doesn't set out to make you an expert in data analysis, but it does provide a quick and easy way to raise your game in this essential part of getting your application right. The book covers: Asking users the right questions to collect relevant data for the system you are building Detecting bad structures Sound data-naming techniques, for both table and column names Modeling data with future growth in mind Implementing security policies with data privileges and views Tuning the structure for performance Producing system documentation (data dictionary, relational schema) Testing the model with appropriate SQL queries This book takes a practical approach, implementing all theoretical concepts with examples. It is a fast-paced tutorial that focuses on critical decisions that you need to make every time you build MySQL databases. It is rich with tips and advice from an experienced practitioner. The book is ideal for anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Data Collection Chapter 3: Data Naming Chapter 4: Data Grouping Chapter 5: Data Structure Tuning Chapter 6: Case Study: An Airline System


Easy Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Second Edition

Pages: 320

Easy Windows XP, Home Edition 2nd Edition covers more than 150 of the most important tasks, ranging from the simple features such as opening a folder to more advanced topics such as installing new hardware or restoring a system. This book uses visual learning to appeal to the most common users of Windows XP - the home user.

Table of Contents

1 Getting started 2
2 Working with programs 20
3 Working with folders 32
4 Working with files 54
5 Working with printers, scanners, and digital cameras 72
6 Entertainment 106
7 Sending faxes and E-mail 126
8 Connecting to the Internet 154
9 Using Windows accessories 172
10 Personalizing Windows 194
11 Setting up programs 222
12 Maintaining your system 248
13 Home networking basics 262


Wireless Network Deployments (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)

Pages: 269

An important aspect of wireless networks is the deployment of their infrastructure. In this book, the Editors have invited a number of experts from industry to write on a variety of topics associated with deployment of digital wireless networks. The first part of the book consists of an overview of systems design and engineering integration, comparison of polarization and space diversity antenna systems, and the performance of deploying smart antenna architectures in cellular and PCS


Understanding Drugs and Behaviour

Why are some drugs highly addictive? What exactly are the effects of different types of psychoactive drugs? How can they produce such dramatic effects on mood, cognition, sensation, awareness, health and well-being?

Understanding Drugs and Behaviour describes in detail how the main psychoactive drugs can alter brain chemistry and modify behaviour. Written by experienced lecturers with a high level of research expertise, all the main drugs used in today's society are included, such as alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, LSD and Ecstacy, opiates, CNS stimulants, as well as clinical medications.

Teaching and learning features include:
*Chapter overviews
*In-depth core material
*End of chapter questions
*Key references
*Extensive glossary
*Journals and websites of interest

This introductory text will be of use to students of psychology, behavioural sciences, health sciences, nursing, physiology and pharmacology.


Fundamentals and Analytical Methods, Volume 1,

Comprehensive Cellulose Chemistry
282 pages

Cellulose is not only a major constituent of wood and natural textile fibers. It also serves as a polymeric starting material for products used in many areas of industry and every-day-life.

The handbook, written by leading experts in the field, is divided in two volumes:

In the first volume general information on cellulose structure and properties is given as well as the principles of homogeneous and heterogenous cellulose reactions and degradation pathways. Analytical methods for the characterization of cellulose are also described.

The second volume of the book covers synthetic routes to the various classes of cellulose derivatives. Structured according to the principles of organic chemistry the achievements of today's reaction theory are considered and supplemented by an extensive collection of working procedures.

The third part deals with the latest developments and future trends in cellulose chemistry - from progress in cellulose processing to the supramolecular chemistry of new derivatives of cellulose.

This extensive coverage makes the book a standard work for graduate students entering this fascinating field of research, but also chemists, biologists and engineers who are active in chemical processing of cellulose will find a wealth of information.


Atlas of Gynecologic Oncology, Second Edition

1841843687, Pages: 344. pdb format

Fully updated and revised, the second edition of An Atlas of Gynecologic Oncology presents a full description of the investigative and surgical procedures carried out by the gynecologic oncologist


Surgery: Mastering Principles, Practice, and Techniques


Mastery of Surgery, 3rd ed. Includes links to more that 4,000 pages and 3,000 illustrations.


Windows Vista in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference

0596527071, 800 pages, 12.3 Mb

This unique reference thoroughly documents every important setting and feature in Microsoft's new operating system, with alphabetical listings for hundreds of commands, windows, menus, listboxes, buttons, scrollbars and other elements of Windows Vista. With this book's simple organization, you'll easily find any setting, tool, or feature for the task you want to accomplish.

Along with a system overview that highlights major changes, and a tour of the basics such as manipulating files and getting around the interface, Windows Vista in a Nutshell offers alphabetized references for these topics: The User Interface: Covers the Sidebar, Aero Glass, the new Control Panel layout, and applets, as well as how to customize animated windows, the desktop, Start menu, pop-up windows on the Taskbar, and more. The File System, Drives, Data, and Search: Discusses working with the new Windows Explorer, Virtual Folders, searches, indexing, saved searches, metadata, and sharing. The Internet and Networking: Examines TCP/IP, RSS, tabbed browsing, and anti-phishing features of Internet Explorer, plus cookie handling, parental control features, and more. Networking and Wireless: Offers an illustrated, step-by-step guide to setting up a home network; covers the Network Center, Sync Center, Hot Spot access, wireless management, collaboration, and sharing. Working with Hardware: Describes how to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot hardware--including keyboards, mice, monitors, USB devices, scanners, cameras, and sound devices--and how to add, install, and troubleshoot drivers. Security: Includes the Security Center, Windows Defender, User Account Protection, System Protection, Network Access Protection, WiFi encryption, Windows Firewall, file encryption, and more. Mobility: Explains Mobility Center settings, plugging a secondary monitor into your computer, and the new network projection feature for making presentations. Multimedia: Covers Windows Photo Gallery, Media Player, Media Center, podcasting features, connecting to and synching with MP3 players, recording TV and videos, making videos with Windows Movie Maker, and burning CDs and DVDs. The Command Prompt: Provides commands for working with files, utilities for troubleshooting the network, and instructions on how to create your own batch files.

Appendixes include information on installation, keyboard shortcuts, common filename extensions, and more. Windows Vista in a Nutshell is your one-stop source for everything you need from Microsoft's latest operating system.


Visual Basic .NET Power Tools

ISBN: 0782142427, 800 pages | CHM

Visual Basic .NET Power Tools is intended for professional programmers geared up to tackle the complex, cutting-edge, and sophisticated aspects of VB.NET. In this book, two VB authors describe aspects of VB that aren't addressed elsewhere.

This guide teaches you how to: Get under the hood of the .NET Framework, and find out why it works the way it does; Employ serialization techniques; Leverage MS Office in your applications; Master encryption, hashing, and creating keys; Learn advanced printing techniques; Use the new reflection technology to look inside executing assemblies; Build data-driven Web applications; Design data-driven Windows applications; Work with regular expressions; Employ advanced graphics techniques; Create professional-looking forms; Design effective User Interfaces; Use the .NET Compact Framework and its emerging technologies.


Visual Basic .NET Unleashed

ISBN: 067232234X

Aimed at the more experienced developer, Visual Basic .NET Unleashed will let you master the improved object-oriented capabilities of the newest version of Visual Basic quickly. Stressing �refactoring� and advanced class design features, this challenging tutorial proves that VB .NET is in the front rank of object-oriented programming languages today. The expert focus here on language features and refactoring (for efficient class design) is the hallmark of this text.

After an in-depth tutorial on the new IDE available in Visual Studio .NET, the author digs in with a fast-moving tour of VB .NET language features (including coverage of changes from VB6). The text starts with basic and then advanced topics, but its real emphasis is on advanced class design using classes and interfaces, with some excellent material on inheritance and

polymorphism, as well as taking advantage of VB .NET�s support for properties and reflection, among other topics. By continually advising how to rewrite classes to improve their maintainability, the author raises the bar here by presenting some tips and best practices beyond the obvious, using techniques invented by the Extreme Programming (XP) movement.

If you are going to learn to design with objects, you might as well learn to do it right, this guide argues, using the expertise garnered from other programming languages. In all, this title shows how VB .NET supports basic and advanced object-oriented design features. It will be most profitably read by those with some previous object-oriented programming experience, though it will also benefit the beginner who wants to be challenged with some expert advice to get the most out of the new object support available in VB .NET.


Blocking Spam and Spyware For Dummies

Whether yours is a one-person business or a multi-million dollar corporation, here�s help giving spammers and spies the bum�s rush. Two veterans of the spam wars help you analyze your situation, choose the right solutions, set up and maintain them, and even show the bean-counters why such defenses are essential.

* Understand how spammers get addresses
* Calculate the cost of spam and spyware
* Re-engineer your business processes
* Select spam and spyware filters
* Manage implementation and maintenance

* Despite recent legislation in the U.S. and other countries, the volume of spam continues to grow-it�s increasing at a rate of 37 percent a week, according to one recent report-and now accounts for 60 to 75 percent of all e-mail
* Shows small business people and corporate IS professionals how to fight back successfully against this onslaught, offering savvy advice on selecting and deploying a spam filter as well as training and supporting users
* Provides insider tips on troubleshooting and fine-tuning a spam filter, as well as exclusive guidance on how to deal with �Joe Jobs� spam attacks, in which spammers hijack a corporate domain name


Security Systems - Hardening Windows Systems

548 pages | CHM

Take a proactive approach to network security by hardening your Windows systems against attacks before they occur. Written by security evangelist Roberta Bragg, this hands-on resource provides concrete steps you can take immediately as well as ongoing actions to ensure long-term security. Whether you have one Windows server or one hundred, you�ll get complete details on how to systematically harden your network from the ground up, as well as strategies for getting company-wide support for your security plan. With coverage of Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/XP and Windows Server 2003, this book is an essential security tool for on-the-job IT professionals.

Features a four-part hardening methodology:

* Do This Now!�Checklist of immediate steps to take to lockdown your system from further attack
* Take It From The Top�Systematic approach to hardening your enterprise from the top down, focusing on authentication, access controls, borders, logical security boundaries, communications, storage, and administrative authority
* Once Is Never Enough!�Ongoing monitoring and assessment plan to keep your network secure, including patch management and auditing
* How to Succeed At Hardening Your Windows Systems�Strategies for getting budget approval, management buy-in, and employee cooperation for your security program


Runescape Money Making Guides

As taught by a true Runescape Multi-Billionaire
The Secrets of Making Money and becoming a Runescape Millionaire are in this Runescape Money Making Guide

Want to learn ways to make quick money and gp in Runescape? Want to wear those Party Hats everyone is dreaming about on your account? Need a tip or method on how to learn ways to make easy money in Runescape 2 and become rich without the use of cheats? Need to know the secret of How to Make Millions in Runescape gold? Start making Runescape Millions and Runescape Easy Money by using the Runescape Money Guide and Item Price Manual! You can become a member in the Runescape Millionaires Club and have a great account today without using any sort of Runescape cheats, or Runescape hacks.


Ikea 2007 Kitchen Handbook

Kitchen HandbookYour dream kitchen within easy reach
The wide choice of styles at IKEA means that your own idea of the ideal kitchen is here waiting for you to discover. The designs are stylish, the prices are excellent and the entire process of turning your dream into a reality is made easy for you, from planning your own kitchen layout with our computer technology, to get the kitchen home and installed - help is now available every step of the way.


Check Your Vocabulary for IELTS Examination

This workbook has been written for students who are planning to sit either the general training or the academic modules of the IELTS exam. It covers some of the main vocabulary points that you will need for, or come across in, the listening, reading, writing and speaking sections of the exam.
We hope that you find the modules in this book useful and that the vocabulary you acquire will help you to achieve the grade you want in the IELTS.


Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks

400 pages

Here is the first book to focus solely on Cisco network hacking, security auditing, and defense issues. Using the proven Hacking Exposed methodology, this book shows you how to locate and patch system vulnerabilities by looking at your Cisco network through the eyes of a hacker. The book covers device-specific and network-centered attacks and defenses and offers real-world case studies.

Implement bulletproof Cisco security the battle-tested Hacking Exposed way

Defend against the sneakiest attacks by looking at your Cisco network and devices through the eyes of the intruder. Hacking Exposed Cisco Networks shows you, step-by-step, how hackers target exposed systems, gain access, and pilfer compromised networks. All device-specific and network-centered security issues are covered alongside real-world examples, in-depth case studies, and detailed countermeasures. It�s all here--from switch, router, firewall, wireless, and VPN vulnerabilities to Layer 2 man-in-the-middle, VLAN jumping, BGP, DoS, and DDoS attacks. You�ll prevent tomorrow�s catastrophe by learning how new flaws in Cisco-centered networks are discovered and abused by cyber-criminals. Plus, you�ll get undocumented Cisco commands, security evaluation templates, and vital security tools from

* Use the tried-and-true Hacking Exposed methodology to find, exploit, and plug security holes in Cisco devices and networks
* Locate vulnerable Cisco networks using Google and BGP queries, wardialing, fuzzing, host fingerprinting, and portscanning
* Abuse Cisco failover protocols, punch holes in firewalls, and break into VPN tunnels
* Use blackbox testing to uncover data input validation errors, hidden backdoors, HTTP, and SNMP vulnerabilities
* Gain network access using password and SNMP community guessing, Telnet session hijacking, and searching for open TFTP servers
* Find out how IOS exploits are written and if a Cisco router can be used as an attack platform
* Block determined DoS and DDoS attacks using Cisco proprietary safeguards, CAR, and NBAR
* Prevent secret keys cracking, sneaky data link attacks, routing protocol exploits, and malicious physical access


Visual Basic Shell Programming (2000)

Format: *.CHM, Pages: 388, Size: 1 MB

Visual Basic's outstanding set of resources for rapidly developing stand-alone applications doesn't include shell extensions for integrating those applications or their data files with the Windows shell. Typically, such extensions as customized context menu handlers, per instance icons (such as a data file icon that's based on the contents of the file), and customized property sheets are written in C++, and all of the available documentation focuses on using C++ for shell extensions. But even C++ programmers find the task rough going, given the woefully inadequate state of the documentation. Very few programmers know that writing shell extensions is not tied to a single language or development environment, and that Visual Basic is an excellent tool for creating shell extensions that more closely tie an application to the Windows shell. That, however, is precisely the focus of Visual Basic Shell Programming. It shows how to take advantage of shell services to develop shell extensions and it provides the basic documentation needed for accomplishing this. Each major type of shell extension gets attention, including:

* Context menu handlers that can add items to the popup menu that appears when the user right clicks a file.
* con handlers for displaying per instance icons that, like the standard Recycle Bin icon, vary depending on some condition
* Property sheet pages, which appear when the user selects the Properties option from a file's context menu.
* InfoTip handlers, which display tooltips, or "info" tips for a file object on a per instance basis.

In showing how to integrate applications with the Windows shell by building shell extensions, author J.P. Hamilton provides a concrete tutorial on COM programming with Visual Basic. And while developing their own shell extensions, readers get to learn advanced VB concepts and techniques such as:

* Pointers. Since VB tends to hide pointers from the programmer, Hamilton shows how to take advantage of the undocumented VarPtr, StrPtr, and ObjPtr functions, as well as the Win32
* RtlMoveMemory function.
* Using class identifiers (CLSIDs) from Visual Basic.
* VTable modification, which allows control of the HRESULT (or status code) returned by a call to a COM method.

Visual Basic Shell Programming ventures where none have gone before by giving readers both the know-how to develop shell extensions and an advanced treatment of COM programming with Visual Basic.


Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference (2002)

Format: *.CHM, Pages: 1500, Size: 2.1 MB

If you're a web developer today, you need to keep track of an enormous amount of information. In particular, you need to know the details about a variety of web specifications and their implementation in the latest versions of the popular browsers. Rather than try to remember all of these details or juggle dozens of reference books covering everything from CSS to JavaScript, you can have all the information at your fingertips with the newly revised Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference.


XML and SQL: Developing Web Applications

Format: *.PDF, Pages: 288, Size: 2.1 MB

XML and SQL: Developing Web Applications is a guide for Web developers and database programmers interested in building robust XML applications backed by SQL databases. It makes it easier than ever for Web developers to create and manage scalable database applications optimized for the Internet.

The author offers an understanding of the many advantages of both XML and SQL and provides practical information and techniques for utilizing the best of both systems. The book explores the stages of application development step by step, featuring a real-world perspective and many examples of when and how each technology is most effective.

Specific topics covered include:
� Project definition for a data-oriented application
� Creating a bullet-proof data model
� DTDs (document type definitions) and the design of XML documents
� When to use XML, and what parts of your data should remain purely relational
� Related standards, such as XSLT and XML Schema
� How to use the XML support incorporated into Microsoft's SQL Server� 2000
� The XML-specific features of J2EE� (Java� 2 Enterprise Edition)

Throughout this book, numerous concrete examples illustrate how to use each of these powerful technologies to circumvent the other's limitations. If you want to use the best part of XML and SQL to create robust, data-centric systems then there is no better resource than this book.


MCDBA, MCSE, MCSD, MCAD Training Guide (70-229) (2003)

MCAD/MCSD/MCSE Training Guide (70-229): SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation is the perfect study guide to help you pass the 70-229 exam, which is an elective for the MCSD, MCAD, MCDBA, and MCSE programs. If you are preparing for this exam, you'll find our Training Guide to be the most effective self-study tool in the market! This book is your one-stop shop because of its teaching methodology and superior Web site support at The book follows the exam objectives and features numerous exercises to give you hands-on opportunities, exam tips that give you advice for test day, and warnings that alert you to possible mistakes. The Fast Facts section condenses the most important information for last-minute review, and the practice exam is representative of the actual exam. Each book in the Training Guide series is published under the direction of Series Editor Ed Tittel, the leading authority on IT certification. This book has been subjected to rigorous technical review by a team of industry experts, ensuring content is superior in both coverage and technical accuracy, and has earned the distinction of Cramsession Approved Study Material. This ebook does not include the CD that accompanies the print edition.


Geometric Qp Functions


Bull\'s Sports Injuries Handbook, 2nd Ed


Encyclopedia of Animal Science


Grouping Multidimensional Data


Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine.


Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery


Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnolog


Maya 8 Essential Training


Best Hack Documents (569 File)


Resume Writer\'s Workbook


Thursday, June 28, 2007



























































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