Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Access 2000 in 24 Hours

As a member of the Microsoft Office suite, Access 2000 is frequently deployed by users in need of immediate database solutions. Teach Yourself Access 2000 in 24 Hours helps the complete Access 2000 neophyte gain proficiency with this powerful–yet difficult-to-learn–data management tool.

Using Access effectively requires a general understanding of relational databases and how they work. Authors Craig Eddy and Timothy Buchanan open with discussions of these topics before explaining the techniques and procedures involved in working with your own data. The authors begin by describing how to use and modify tables, forms, and queries from preexisting Access databases. You’ll also find more elaborate information on creating a new database (including tables, queries, forms, and reports). This book may not hold enough technical information for big-time Access application developers, but users will find some material on creating macros to ease your work.

Teach Yourself Access 2000 in 24 Hours deserves special praise for the attention it pays to the integration of Access 2000 with Microsoft SQL Server–an important topic that many books (even those written at a higher level than this one) ignore. Its stepped procedures are notable too, since the authors take time to explain the reasons for what they tell you to do. –David Wall

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