Saturday, June 30, 2007

Visual Basic .NET Power Tools

ISBN: 0782142427, 800 pages | CHM

Visual Basic .NET Power Tools is intended for professional programmers geared up to tackle the complex, cutting-edge, and sophisticated aspects of VB.NET. In this book, two VB authors describe aspects of VB that aren't addressed elsewhere.

This guide teaches you how to: Get under the hood of the .NET Framework, and find out why it works the way it does; Employ serialization techniques; Leverage MS Office in your applications; Master encryption, hashing, and creating keys; Learn advanced printing techniques; Use the new reflection technology to look inside executing assemblies; Build data-driven Web applications; Design data-driven Windows applications; Work with regular expressions; Employ advanced graphics techniques; Create professional-looking forms; Design effective User Interfaces; Use the .NET Compact Framework and its emerging technologies.


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